Thursday, October 9, 2008

What is Network Marketing?

I've mentioned earlier that I'm involved with network marketing among other things. I don't know how many people reading this blog even know what that is so I thought I'd take this post to explain it a bit. Usually it refers to businesses with a certain kind of pay plan and there are many variations of this plan. Basically not only do you make money selling the product but also for referring others to the business and most network marketing companies have some kind of pyramid structure (multi-levels, hence the term also used sometimes is multi-level marketing or MLM for short) although as I said before there are many variations of payplan structures which I won't go into here.

Some examples of network marketing businesses are Avon, Tupperware, Fuller Brush, Mary Kay Cosmetics, plus many more that I'm sure you've heard of.

Some people get scared when they see the word pyramid because they've heard of a scams in connection with that word. And while it's true there are some bad apples out there don't discard the whole industry because of it. Lets' face almost every business and our government is structured like a pyramid. You have the owner or Ceo at the top and on down the line 'til you get to the little hourly wage earner all helping the guy at the top get rich yet nobody seems to have a problem with this. You also have the government with the president at the top, VP, Sec. of State and on down the line 'til you get to local mayors, etc. So don't be afraid just because you hear something is a pyramid.

I prefer to use the term referral marketing sometimes because it more truly identifies what you're doing - referring others to your business and marketing your product. You may not realize it but you are probably already doing referral marketing in a sense. When was the last time you went to a movie, thought it was great then told all your friends and family to go see it? When's the last time you went to a fabulous restaurant and then told your friends and family about it? You see what I mean? You're already doing it. Unfortunately I doubt if you're getting referral income from the restaurant or movie company. With network (or referral) marketing you DO!

Maybe in another post I'll get into some things to look (or do's and don'ts) for when considering joining a network marketing company. This blog is not about just advertising my businesses but some people might like to know what NWB I'm involved with so I'd like to share the most recent one I joined because I'm excited about it. It's called EZ Wealth Solution and if you've ever wanted to try something in network marketing or are kind of new to it, this is a great business to start with. It's easy. It's not MLM but I won't explain the paypaln here as the website can do a much better job. You get paid directly unlike some where the referral money goes to the company first then somewhere down the road they (hopefully) send you a commission check. AND pretty much anyone can afford it (how does 10 bucks sound). Anyway just click on this
EZ Wealth Solution to found out more.

"Procrastination is the death of Opportunity." - unknown

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