Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I used to have a blog somewhere else but the site no longer exists. It's kind of upsetting to have one's posts just obliterated and to start from scratch again.

My goal is just to offer tips, motivational stuff, inspirational stuff, resources, etc. I may just share thoughts on a multitude of subjects. Some of my interest are books, knitting, crocheting, and network marketing.

I always seem to have my hands in many pots. My latest labor of love is my new estore called Rascal's Books and Stuff. So far I have over 100 items.

I am also a collector of quotes and I will leave with this one today:

"If you have a dream, work at it. If it doesn't work out as expected the first time, don't give up! Try again! Who want's to live and say, 'If only?' or 'what if?' Stick to what you want to accomplish. Don't give up!" - Calvin Coolidge

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